
Scotchology: Year Eight

Scotchology: Year Eight

Every two years on the anniversary of Scotchology’s beginning, we have given a biennial update to review what we’ve been up to, reflect on what’s come before and muse about what might be coming. We list some social media stats and note how our reviews and other articles are coming. After a few years of consistency, the past two years have seen more change within the group – much like the rest of the world – than we had ever imagined. How does a small, informal social scotch club hold on when the ability to gather safely together is seemingly taken away?

Scotchology: Year Six

Scotchology: Year Six

Entering the realm of the absurd, July 2019 marks the sixth anniversary of Scotchology. The past couple of years have seen less drastic changes and even some relative stability. As of this posting, we currently have 123 reviews, comprising 88 scotches and 35 world whiskies. Social media continues to be the way we interact with others in the whisky community that are not in our immediate geographic vicinity. Apparently all the cool kids are doing it nowadays. We’re in a groove, and it feels good.